Monday, September 30, 2013

How do some bodybuilders become so huge?

    Men or women, some bodybuilders have gorgeous muscles. Some may like, some may not, more or less, but one thing we have to admit, if it is not very-very extreme, everybody looks with envy on those great bodies.
    How do they achieve that awesomeness? How is it possible for some women, to gain that much muscle, and not to put fat on the problematic “womanly” areas?
    Lets’ star from the beginning: what is muscle building? How does a muscle “get big”?
   The muscle’s “getting big” action is called muscle hypertrophy, and it means that the skeletal muscles increase their size due to stimuli. Hypertrophy occurs as a result of training – anaerobic exercises- and the right kind of nutrition.

     For men is somewhat easier to build muscle, because of the testosterone hormone of which men produce higher quantities than women. The difference is pretty much, as males produce between 300-1000 but females female between: 15 – 70 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL = this is the unit in which laboratories measure testosterone levels). So, as with laic eyes, is also easy to observe, it is pretty obvious to tell the big difference between the two sexes.

     The testosterone is a predominantly male sex hormone, which is responsible for guys looking the way they do: developing the sex organs, muscles, bones, body hair, deepening of the voice, etc. So, the fact that men have a more muscular body, with narrow hips and wider shoulders, stronger arms is determined by the testosterone. For woman to achieve the same, meaning wide shoulders, back, muscular arms, narrow hips is difiicult, because they don’t produce the sufficient testosterone hormone to make them look like that. And here comes the question, how on earth get some women so “manly” bodies anyway?
      Well, one thing is a fact: it doesn’t happen as a natural result of going three times a week to the gym. Nor would you get the result going every day to gym, for 5 years. So, the subject women, who desires a muscular body , when does not get help from nature, she’ll get it from the “pharmacy”. (men also rely on steroids to make body changes occur faster and have literally “bigger” results)

      For a woman, to get very muscular, must be administrated some “help”, for example anabolic steroids, which contribute to achieving the male sexual characteristics, a more apple-shaped body, skeletal muscle growth, deepening the voice, body hair growth. Some of these, like a certain muscle growth is welcomed, but sadly, this is a package and you are allowed to buy only en-gros, that means, you as a woman, can achieve a great biceps, you won’t be that much predisposed anymore to having the muffin-top, but also may get hair all over, thickened vocal chords and so on.

      Some people do rely on steroids, mainly because achieving anything in the natural way takes long time, and genetics together with nature also make certain achievements impossible. 

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