Saturday, June 8, 2013

Fat and miserable?

 Before anybody says that fat people aren’t miserable, well… no, indeed, some of them pretend not to be. There are also a lot of attempts to present owerweight individuals as normal, sometimes even pretty. I saw photos on facebook of fat women, presented as “healthy” and womanly…or something like that. The only thing that grabed my attention was that they all were “treated” with a lot of photoshop, probably with the filter that makes ugly details, in our case for example cellulite, simply vanish. These women although obviously possessing a few layers of fat tissue, they look good. Their skin was satiny and “waveless”. Would that really be the case? Think about, when even skinny women, may have some muffin tops, some fat on the hip area, which may have cellulite. Because this may occur even if you have only a tiny amount, thin layer of fat under your skin. This thin layer can cause immediately the skin to become uneven and ugly. So, it is just self-evident, that when there is a huge amount of fat tissue under the skin, this loses its firmness, it silky, smooth look and becomes uneven, if the layers of fat, for example on the stomach area are big, than between the breasts and “belly” the skin becomes irritated and red, because of the permanent scrubbing between these two. Also the breasts become bigger, heavier, so the skin suffers keeping them, and appear purple and bluish veins on the sides. But when fatness is promoted, these details are never revealed. And these are problems, that even for people, who maybe would prefer to be owerweight represents a problem. Some may say, that they like more “rotundious” figures, but let’s be honest, here…who likes cellulite, irritated skin and veins??? I know a lot of people, but no one from my acquaintances do…

 But I can’t really imagine how can somebody really be happy with 5 layers of stomach, or if the only way to tell which one are ones breasts  is only a matter of order, and then you presume, that probably the upper bulge is the breast… Meaning you read this, you are probably a very normal human being that wants to do something about the fat-issue of yours and you passed the stage of denying the truth. This doesn’t mean you have to get depressed. Losers get depressed. Winners take action. Sorrow is piteous. Fight is hot. Achievement is the end-effect of a long fight. And there is no fight without ever getting hit. You can never achieve anything if you are all the time afraid of getting hit. The first hit is realizing what the problem is. If you identify the problem, it is your first huge step. Do not be sad, that you don’t have the answer, the solution yet. Be glad that you identified it. Remember that you will never ever find the cure, if you deny that you are sick at first place. You have to go to the mirror and realize, understand and actually visualize the problem. There is no more effective “hit” on yourself, and better way of understanding, that seeing something with your own eyes. Seeing yourself naked sitting on a chair. It is much worse than standing, believe me. Seeing the numbers on the scale. These all have a powerful effect on you. Without the “hit” you will never get up and do something. Denying is human and we all use it to protect ourselves of different happenings that would cause us suffering, but it is never good. It only pushes the achievement further away. It is never a great feeling realizing bad thing about ourselves but it is much worse keeping your had in the sand.

 So, no, you are not fat and miserable, but  fat and a fighter! Do not be afraid of words. Fat is a bad word? It offends you? Why? Think about it, that only those things upset us, hurt us the most, which other people say about us, and we feel deep down that they are true. If somebody say: you have blond hair, it does not upset you. If somebody says, you have smooth skin, it does not upset you. If somebody says, your leg is slim or your nail is long….are only enunciations. But what is somebody says, you have rare hair, or big ass? You see the difference? Even if it would be said with the same tonality, from the firsts you would not feel offended, but the latter would hurt you deep. This means you do care. If you care enough you’ll find a way, otherwise you will find only excuses. 

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